imagine my surprise when, while i was busily vacationing in texas this weekend, my roommate called to inform me that my blog had been mentioned in a certain local newspaper of ill repute. ooh la la. my visitor stats have skyrocketed accordingly, which makes me feel compelled to address any new visitors. so. . .welcome avid readers of gawker and the new york post! i hope you find this website an acceptable expenditure of your valuable carpel tunnel time. because the thing is, my blog is pretty lame. i have questionable taste in music and friends, and my life isn't very cool. if you'd take the initiative to start a blog of your own, i'm sure you could do a better job. i often wonder if my time wouldn't be better spent drinking.
but anyway, back to our regularly scheduled programming. there's a six-page feature story on the bravery in this week's new york magazine, in which they are hailed as "New York's next really big thing." no comment.
still to come: photos and obnoxious commentary from south by southwest 2005, also known as the weekend each year when the drug addicts and rock groupies of the world converge upon austin to celebrate their so-called "scene" and listen to a band or two if they can find the time.
i want links to the articles!!!
Posted by: john | March 21, 2005 at 12:17 PM
all right all right (it's just a small mention though):
scenester sara.
Posted by: manicmess | March 21, 2005 at 06:22 PM
Small coincidences, then. I found you while bored and blog-hopping. And y'know, while I tend to question everything, I like your taste in music. Down with the cool.
Now, your friends, on the other hand...
Posted by: J | March 21, 2005 at 07:47 PM
Your blog rocks, but I'm not feeling tonight that I'm getting a lot of feelings with you Eternam wished for QUezn
Posted by: Jeff | March 26, 2005 at 03:53 AM