"The Warriors Halloween 2005
SATURDAY, October 29th
10PM - 4AM (throw in an extra hour in there for daylight savings)
Free Sparks 10-11
Supreme Trading
213 North 8th Street. Brooklyn
$10 w/ RSVP to [email protected]
$15 at door
JDH & Dave P (FIXED / Making Time)
Tim Sweeney (Beats in Space / DFA Records)
DJ Language (Negroclash / BBE)
James Fucking Friedman (Refuse!)
Ilirjana (The Pop Manifesto)
Speculator & Chupacabras
Phil-Two (Fagtronix)
Come dressed in your own gang, with your own unique style, enter the gang registry and have your crew photographed! All the gang shots will be displayed against the main wall - and the best gang wins a CASE OF SPARKS!!"