last night i successfully avoided all of the hipster clusterfucks that seem to have occurred all over town. first i met up with my friend monica at the abc store on broadway for some free wine and nibbles courtesy of pure food and wine. i'd love to be the kind of person who likes organic, uncooked food, but i left feeling like i hadn't eaten anything at all! but i did get to drink lots of good wine and check out a new line of good-smelling paint from anna sova. smashing.
after that we headed down to the dactyl foundation for the arts for my friend's art book release party. tons of people, tons of free red stripe, and at least one snooty art type (unrelated to the party) who wouldn't let it go when boyfriend john touched a piece of art by mistake.
it was so crowded and we were so ravenous that monica, john, and i went back to my house and ate popcorn for awhile. drank more red stripe, and decided to head over to the delancey for the fame show. we ran into fame bassist alana right when we walked in and she and john made faces at me. i don't know why. we're friends, i swear.
then we enjoyed the vodka open bar for awhile, until my friend whitney went up for a second drink, and was told by the bitchy bartender that she could only have another drink if she actually tipped this time. in whitney's defense, she'd desperately wanted to tip the first time round, but only had a $20 so vowed to make up for it later. but apparently that wasn't enough for the bartender, who later turned out to boast an impressively diminished intellect as well. in brief: someone was handing out pins that said "tu stultus es." the guy next to me asked what it meant, so i told him (having had many years of latin in my distant, nerdly past) that it meant "you are stupid" in latin. at which point the aforementioned bartender interrupted us to frostily to inform me that it was french, not latin. i said no, no i'm certain it's latin, in french it would be 'tu es stupide'. she again instructed me that i was wrong, and haughtily walked away.
so yeah, if you see her, give her my regards and tell her she's a total dumbass. here's a shot of the scandalous pin.
after the confrontation, more drinks were consumed and by the time we went downstairs to hear the band, we were all thoroughly intoxicated.
some girl in an ugly white fur jacket tried to take my picture. i ran away. luckily, the band soon took the stage before things could get any more drunk and ridiculous. here's a couple of bad shots. i blame the booze.
the fame sounded great, although i only stayed for a few songs because i was so exhausted from running around all night. on the way home we stopped at the newish clinton street papaya, where they took twenty minutes to make one order of cheese fries. i almost had a meltdown, but managed to leave the establishment without any pulling of hair or gouging out of eyes.'s the weekend! hooray. another work week successfully defeated.